Kalnciems Manor boat base

Kalnciems Manor has a long history. The oldest Duke of Courland, Ernst Johann von Byron, was born here (on 23 November 1690 in the family of Karl von Byron and Katharina Hedwig (born von der Raab-Tühlen). In the library, next to Kalnciems Manor, there is a history exhibition.  The building that is occupied today and houses the Kalnciems Manor boat base is located on the site of the real Kalnciems Manor house. In 1938, at the suggestion of President Kārlis Ulmanis, the pioneer unit of the rapid transit brigade built a new residential building, Kalnciems Manor, to support the war disabled K. Jansons.

Currently, the Kalnciems Manor boat base is located at this very spot near Lielupe Bridge.

Offer for tourists:

  •     Boat rental;
  •     Raft hire (up to 8 people; for weddings or other events);
  •     Motorboat rental;
  •     Visit of the old manor walls;
  •     Exhibitions on the history of the manor.

Working hours

  • From 1 May–1 January 5:00–23:00


  •     Boat rental EUR 15.00/day;
  •     Raft rental EUR 60.00/day;
  •     Picnic area EUR 20.00;
  •     Fire/firewood EUR 10.00;
  •     Trailer space EUR 10.00/day;
  •     Parking lot EUR 5.00/day;
  •     Tent space EUR 8.00/day.

* Payment method: cash

Jelgava Coun., “Upmaļi”, Valgundes pag,LV-3017
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Picnic locations
Monday: 5:00-23:00
Tuesday: 5:00-23:00
Wednesday: 5:00-23:00
Thursday: 5:00-23:00
Friday: 5:00-23:00
Saturday: 5:00-23:00
Sunday: 5:00-23:00