Jelgavas valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Jelgavas reģionālais tūrisma centrs" izsludina konkursu uz Tūrisma informācijas speciālista vietu Jelgavas Sv.Trīsvienības baznīcas tornī (uz nenoteiktu laiku - pusslodzi) Read more

2024.gada 27.jūlijā Jelgavā norisināsies viens no lielākajiem sporta pasākumiem – Jelgavas Nakts pusmaratons. Read more

19.jūlijā pulksten 20 Jelgavas reģionālais tūrisma centrs (JRTC) interesentus aicina uz neparastu ekskursiju – vakara pastaigu “Jelgavas leģendas un stāsti” ar gidi Inu Jurģi. Vakara pastaigai nepieciešams iepriekš pieteikties. Read more

Jelgava Regional Tourism Center has prepared a special summer offer for families with children and invites to an exploratory, active and positive emotion fulfilled vacation in Jelgava and Jelgava county. Read more

The renovated buildings on Jelgava's Old Town Street invites everyone to see and experience the stories of ancient Jelgava, its wooden buildings and lost streets, as well as get acquainted with an ancient craft skill. Read more

From December 2022 for visitors is opened House of Latvian traditions and crafts. The House of Latvian traditions and crafts was created with the aim of promoting the skills of ancient Latvian crafts and, in accordance with Latvian traditions, encouraging public participation in various events. Read more

Jelgava region invites lovers of active recreation and nature friends to go on exploratory walks around Eleja Manor Park, Vilce Manor area, Vilce Nature Park and Lielplatone Manor Park. Read more

The children's recreation and play town was opened on June 1, 2021, it was created by Jelgava municipality in cooperation with the joint stock company "Latvijas Valsts meži". Here, children and their parents can get to know and learn about Latvia's natural values, as the squares are built using loca... Read more

The route goes along the memorial sites of the Freedom battles in Jelgava and its surroundings, where the Freedom battles took place in the first half of the last century in order to free our country from the Bermont and Avalov’s troops. Read more

For all dog owners who want to travel with their pets, Jelgava Regional Tourist Centre has gathered its catering and accommodation establishments, in which it is allowed to stay with dogs, in Jelgava, Jelgava Municipality and Ozolnieki Municipality. Read more

Well-equipped picnic places in and around Jelgava, where you can enjoy quality time outdoors with family or friends. Read more

In 2013, a new tradition began in Jelgava – the first symposium of large-format chamotte sculptures was held under the leadership of the artistic director Aleksandrs Djacenko. Chamotte sculptures are created from a particularly heat-resistant material, in which clay is mixed with fine burnt clay par... Read more

The environment object The Wheel of Time 100 ("Laika rats 100") created by the sculptor Kārlis Īle is dedicated to the centenary of the statehood of Latvia and was opened on 4 May 2018. Read more

Here you can download tourism information about about Jelgava city, Jelgava county and Ozolnieki county. Read more

We invite you to hear the stories of sculptures in Jelgava city! Sculptures have long since found their place in the urban environment of Jelgava – thanks to metal art and ceramics symposiums, different events that have taken place in the city and as donations to the city. Each sculpture has its own... Read more

Starting year 2020 travelers have the opportunity to visit Zemgale and Northern Lithuania castles and manor parks. Read more